New Graduate Nurse Residency
We offer innovative personnel enrichment programs, like our Nurse Residency Program, to support our staff in providing the high-quality and personalized care that we pride ourselves on. Our Nurse Residents grow in their professional practice in a supportive environment committed to providing mentoring, coaching, and instructional support while allowing time to immerse themselves in the culture of CRH.
Program Overview
CRH's full-time Nurse Residency Program is designed to be a component of the newly graduated nurse’s transition from student to professional nurse. During this year-long program, you will experience specialty-specific unit orientation, lectures from subject matter experts, clinical simulations, and department shadow rotations. The program will culminate in a presentation of an Evidence-Based Practice project that you and your cohort will complete with the help of the nursing education team.
- Candidates for the Nurse Residency Program must have:
Graduated from an accredited school of nursing or have a pending graduation by the end of the current semester - Obtained a RN or LPN licensure or be working toward a RN or LPN licensure
Frequently Asked Questions
What is unique about CRH’s R.N. Residency Program?
For a year, each cohort meets monthly for four hours to learn from content experts, engage in simulation and group activities, share clinical and rotation experiences, and review hospital policies and procedures. In addition, during the first 6 months, the nurse resident will be socialized to the function of the interdisciplinary process of healthcare through a series of personalized shadow opportunities that elucidate hospital operations and inform care decisions. During the second 6 months of nurse residency, focus will turn to evidence-based practice and developing a project that is relevant to their practice area and feasible to implement. This group project will follow the PICOT format and will be presented to hospital leadership at their cohort’s graduation from the Nurse Residency Program.
What is the R.N. resident commitment at CRH?
To support professional growth, Nurse Residents are required to follow the customized schedule designed by their home unit leaders and clinical nurse educators. They must attend scheduled lectures, shadow rotations, and help their subgroup prepare and present an EBP project at graduation.
How do I apply for a CRH nurse resident position?
Please refer to our job board, search, and apply for an open nurse position within the hospital. There is no separate application to complete for the Nurse Residency Program. Please note that many different CRH specialties/departments (MedSurg, Stepdown, ICU, L&D, Mother Baby, Emergency Department, etc.) have accepted new graduate nurses!
How will I know if I have been accepted to the CRH R.N. Residency Program?
Once you have been offered and accepted an open nurse position within the hospital, you will automatically be enrolled to start with the next residency cohort. Currently, we run two cohorts a year, March and September, but plans are being made to increase to three cohorts a year.
I have another question and want to talk to someone about my future nursing career at CRH!
Call or email our Transition to Practice Clinical Nurse Educator, Stephanie Cribb, at 757-312-5248 or Stephanie.Cribb@ChesapeakeRegional.com.