A Matter of Balance

Do You Have Concerns About Falling?
A Matter of Balance is an 8-week program provided by Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia, hosted by the Lifestyle Health & Fitness Center of Chesapeake Regional Healthcare.
Each session contains an educational information regarding fall prevention, group work on fall prevention, and starting in the 3rd session-balance and strengthening exercises. Most of the exercises are done seated but some are standing. Participants will be shown modifications if they are not able to do an exercise. Participants should dress in comfortable clothing so they can do light exercises and wear tennis shoes.
The program enables participants to achieve significant goals and gain confidence by learning to:
• View falls as controllable
• Set goals for increasing activity
• Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
• Exercise to increase strength and balance
Sessions held every Wednesday starting 10/23-12/18 except for 11/27 (Thanksgiving week) from 10a-12p.
Sessions are free for participants 60 yrs & older and Virginia resident.
Limited space: 12 participants max.