Learn The Signs Of A Heart Attack (And How You Could Save A Life)
It is important to know and understand the early signs of a heart attack, which differ for men and women. Here are some steps you can take:
1. Visit the American College of Cardiology’s (ACC) Early Heart Attack Care (EHAC) to learn the early signs and symptoms of a heart attack.
2. After you learn about Early Heart Attack Care, visit Hands Only CPR and learn how you may be able to save a life.
3. Know your risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Visit The ACC Risk Calculator to know your risk score and use the information to help jumpstart a discussion with your provider about lowering your risk, if needed.
Always remember, Arrive Alive. Call 911. Do not drive yourself or a loved one to the Emergency Department if you are experiencing any signs of a heart attack
If you're experiencing any unusual and concerning fatigue, abdominal discomfort, chest or jaw pain, call 911 immediately. It’s your job to hopefully catch a heart attack early— EMS and the medical team will take care of the rest.